Hi there,
My name is Ricardo, born in 1991 in Portugal. This page started a few years ago to share my works and my passion about cars and motorbikes.
After 8 years of model making be my hobby recently I decided to go full time and provide a professional building service for collectors around the world, from simple curbside models to full detail opening models.
The scales I work are from the tiniest 1/43 up to 1/12 scale, and the one I enjoy more is without a doubt 1/43 which for me the most intricate and Difficult scale to work.
Describing my way of building models its not easy but I will try, I don’t like to build straight out the box and I tend to make my own parts either using some machinery that I have or either make them by hand starting by a simple sheet of brass up to 3D printing, adding to all this tools I can make custom photo etch to add even more detail if needed.
All you will see here on my website is hand built or either scratch made by my self, so I can leave my stamp in every single model I build, I won’t be able to make 2 models exactly the same so every single one is a one off model.
If you got curious by what I do and want to see more or even get more information about my commissioning work either check out my photo albums or contact me using the contact form.
Ricardo Pedro